Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov

Azeri Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has hailed as "good" relations with Egypt.

Currently, cooperation between the two countries extends to the political, economic, tourism, energy, education, culture and humanitarian spheres, Mammadyarov said in an interview with MENA Monday.

At the governmental level the Joint Inter-Governmental Commission provides the platform to review and streamline all spectrum of our economic-commercial, cultural and humanitarian agenda and define priorities and further actions for concrete implementation, he said. "With these goals in mind, we are looking forward to the next meeting of Inter-Governmental Commission, which is expected to be held in November," the top diplomat noted. 
With more than 40 signed agreements the legislative base of our relations is substantially wide and it provides the legal framework for consolidating our cooperation.
"We also attach particular emphasis on parliamentary dimensions of our relations. Parliamentary friendship groups make their own tangible contributions to carry our agenda of comprehensive cooperation forward.

"We are glad that academic and student exchange, including the visit of cultural teams are taking place on a continuous basis."

Azerbaijan and Egypt share the similar position on the fundamental issues of the international agenda, Mammadyarov said. 

Azerbaijan has supported the nomination of Egypt for the non-permanent seat of the United Nations, the foreign minister said. He commended efforts of Egypt to put more emphasis on regional and international problems.

Azerbaijan has also witnessed support of 155 UN Member States, including Egypt in running for UNSC non-permanent seat in 2012-2013.

During its UNSC non-permanent membership Azerbaijan, among other things, initiated the first ever meeting between the UNSC and Organization of Islamic Cooperation on strengthening the partnership synergy between the UN and OIC, he said.

"Along with the OIC, Azerbaijan’s membership to the Non-Aligned Movement and Observer State status at the League of Arab States and African Union, as well as the Mediterranean Partner for Cooperation status of Egypt with OSCE gave us additional platforms for exchange of views and practical collaboration with Egypt.

'In anticipation of hosting XVIII Summit of NAM in 2019 and chairing this body in 2019-2022, we will seek to have more consultation and cooperation with Egypt, who is one of founding states of NAM."
Asked about Armenia, Mammadyarov said it continues to occupy the territories of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven adjacent districts, in flagrant violation of international law and resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 adopted in 1993 by the United Nations Security Council.

Source: MENA