Egyptian parliamentarian Ali Badr

Egyptian parliamentarian Ali Badr attacked the raising of flags for homosexuals in Cairo, praising in an interview with Egypt today, the conduct of security forces with them and arrest them, revealing the plan of the parliament's action against international human rights reports criticizing Egypt, calling on the government to ease pressure on citizens.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that these attitudes are alien to our society, and that the rights of homosexuals cannot be invoked as part of human rights because their actions have an objective for the values of society, a departure from the religious pattern, and calling Western trends not known to our societies, which he said has enough negative phenomena.

He stressed that  is optimistic about what he called a "real desire" to restore Egypt's influence on the outside, and said in an interview with "Arabs Today" that there are actual steps on the ground prove this, and that these steps are taken systematically and rapidly.

He clarified that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has made several foreign successful tours since the beginning of his term as Egypt’s president, while the Parliament also conducted a series of meetings with Congressmen and visits to European parliaments to communicate multiple views and defend the state and its image abroad.

He stressed the need for resuming of this active performance at the external level, so as not to be missed achieved from the gains.

Regarding the efforts exerted to achieve Palestinian reconciliation, He said that that the Cairo agreements represented the last chance for intra-Palestinian reconciliation. “This opportunity must be well used,” Mladenov said during a visit to the Gaza Strip.

He said that the parliament is within the general framework of the Egyptian state's direction, and that the Foreign Relations Committee will cooperate with Arab committees, defense and national security to formulate policies that keep pace with the developments in the Palestinian file.

He expressed his appreciation to the efforts exerted by Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, saying that he managed to find serious solutions for a large number of problems and challenges that hit the region for years. He added that the current political leadership in Egypt managed to restore Egypt’s leading role as a regional power in the Middle East.

He said, “Egypt is on the right track thanks to the wise leadership of President Abdel Fattah Sisi, despite the challenges it faces at home and conspiracies from abroad, in addition to the difficult economic conditions. The challenges facing the Egyptian state during the current period are not envisioned by any citizen.”

He added that there are dozens of projects implemented by the state throughout Egypt, which will have a great impact on changing the economic conditions and living conditions of citizens for the better.