Yasser Koura, from Egypt\'s Higher Authority of the National Movement Party, spoke to Arab ?Today about the current plight in his country. “Egypt is totally capable of dispensing aid by counting on the shoulders of our Arab brothers,\" Koura begins. \"Ultimately, the biggest loser in this situation will only be the ?opponents who are biased to ?political Islam.” Koura revealed that the European Delegation expressed an understanding to the above position and sent a comprehensive report to the European Union on Wednesday before its meeting in ?Brussels.? \"The international community is expressing an understanding, even if modest, ?about the situation in Egypt in light of recent efforts,\" Koura said. The party member commented on the consecutive security strikes on the Muslim Brotherhood, the last of which saw Supreme General Guide Mohammed Badie and ?preacher Safwat Hegazy being arrested. In regards to this, Koura said: \"These strikes are a strong knockdown that are contributing to ?dismantling the terrorist hotbeds of the Brotherhood.?\" He pointed out that Hegazy’s confessions - which were broadcasted recently - highlighted a \"strong message of deceit\" by the Brotherhood.