President Xi jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that his visit to Egypt is the first to the Arab world since he took office, emphasizing unshakable trust between the Chinese and the Arab peoples as he gave at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo.

In their exchanges across time and space, the Chinese and Arab peoples have been sincere with each other, forging friendship along the ancient Silk Road, sharing weal and woe in the fight for national independence, and helping each other in building their own countries, he said.

"Such trust is unshakable and cannot be bought with money," said the president.

In his speech, the president urged countries in the Middle East to resolve their differences through dialogue instead of use of force.

"Use of force offers no solution to problems. Parties to the conflict should focus on advancing the process of political settlement," said Xi.

He added that "the international community should respect the will and role of those directly involved, the neighboring countries and regional organizations, instead of imposing a solution from outside."

Source: MENA