Head of Consultative Commission for Human Rights Faruk Constantini said the death penalty against an Algerian prisoner was “irresponsible and unfair”. “It violates human rights policies,” he said. He urged Iraqi authorities to release other Algerian prisoners, reported to be ten, who have been locked up in Iraqi jails since 2003. Constantini said they were not allowed a fair trial. Reports revealed a diplomatic crisis erupted between Iraq and Algeria after the execution of the death sentence on an Algerian prisoner. When asked about a missing prisoner, Constantini said the committee had “nothing to hide.” Allegations circulated that the prisoners were subjected to torture at the hands of the Iraqi authorities. The Iraqi authorities acknowledge the presence of more than ten Algerian prisoners in Iraqi prisons, each with prison terms ranging between 10 to 15 years. Prisoners have been on various hunger strikes in protest against  maltreatment, sources said.