Egyptian Ambassador to Beijing Osama al Magdoub

Egyptian Ambassador to Beijing Osama al Magdoub asserted that Egypt and China share viewpoints on the importance of the Belt and Road initiative for Egypt's sustainable development plan especially that such initiative depends on extending bridges along with land and maritime routes that would benefit Egypt's infrastructure rebuilding.

Interviewed by Xinhua news agency, the Egyptian ambassador said Egypt is currently exerting its best efforts to rebuild its infrastructure and push forward the development march, adding that this in fact would serve the Belt and Road initiative.

He cited the project of the Suez Canal Economic Zone as a good example of Egypt's contribution to the Chinese initiative, adding that Egypt has raised the efficiency of ships passage in the Suez Canal along with other development projects in the Suez Canal zone and the establishment of logistics areas, harbors and other industrial zones.

Commenting on the International Belt and Road Forum, to be held in Beijing on Sunday and Monday, the ambassador said the forum would be a chance for exploring solutions for the region and the world economic problems and pump new energy for interactive development, adding that Egypt would take part in the forum with a large ministerial delegation including ministers from the economic group.

The Egyptian delegation will float Egypt's economic vision and its future plans as well as facilities offered to new investors, the ambassador noted. 

Source: MENA