Bahraini Information Minister Ali bin Mohammad

Bahraini Information Minister Ali bin Mohammad el-Rumeihi praised the Egyptian-Bahraini relations on the various domains and termed them as a model of joint Arab action based on fraternity and mutual respect.

Interviewed by MENA, Rumeihi highlighted the fruitful outcome of the Bahraini monarch's visit to Egypt in April which was crowned by signing 19 agreements and protocols of cooperation in all fields.

The Bahraini minister also asserted that his country was deeply interested in exchanging information and expertise with Egypt so as to confront the media channels inciting hatred and terrorism.

Bahrain is also keen on security and stability of Egypt, given its pivotal and strategic role in the Middle East region and its support to just Arab and Islamic causes, added the minister.

He also highlighted the expansion in the freedom of expression in Bahrain since the approval of constitutional reforms, a matter which positively reflected on the spread of media freedom through the release of 22 daily and weekly newspapers, 38 monthly magazines as well as websites, radio and TV channels.

The minister also pointed out to honorable stances of Egypt in backing Bahrain and its sovereignty in face of any regional or foreign threats.

As per relations with Egypt, the minister said the two countries' relations are deeply rooted and distinguished and gave an example of joint Arab action in the protection of Arab national security in a way that could achieve common interests.

Source: MENA