Egyptian parliamentarian Al Sayed Hassan Moussa

Egyptian parliamentarian Al Sayed Hassan Moussa called the Arab countries for cutting their relations with Qatar as soon as possible and taking the same approach adopted by Egypt, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Libya and Yemen.
He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the collective position against the Gulf’s tiny state will perform a major role to besiege it and to push its regime correct its political path, stressing that it is impossible for such a country to decide the future of the Arab world.
He stressed that the decision to cut the diplomatic relations came too late, while it proved that the confidence of all countries that the tiny state performs a major role to support terrorism in the region as whole.
He stressed that the decision delayed to provide an opportunity to the country to change its policies aiming to provide financial and logistic support for the terrorist organizations in all over the Arab world and the Middle East, while the Qatari leaders lacked the wisdom to review their positions