Estonian Foreign Minister Sven Mikser

Estonian Foreign Minister Sven Mikser lauded economic reforms that were recently adopted by Egypt.

In an exclusive interview with MENA on the sidelines of his participation in the 4th European Union-Arab League Ministerial Meeting in Cairo on Tuesday, Mikser said political stability helped in creating a conducive climate for business and economy and luring more investments.

Mikser said he had talks with Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on issues related to the Middle East, topped by the situation in Syria, Libya and Yemen, the Palestinian cause and counter-terrorism.

He added that they also discussed promoting economic cooperation in the communications and IT field, benefiting from Estonia's great expertise in internet governance.

Asked about his talks in Cairo, Mikser said that he had talks with Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul-Gheit on the situation in Syria, Libya and Yemen and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as well as means of resolving these crises and the role of the international community in this regard.

Mikser added that he also held talks with the Palestinian and United Arab Emirates foreign ministers.

As for the European summit that was held in Brussels last week and the EU foreign ministers conference, he said the meetings reviewed the situation in Aleppo city, making it clear that there is no political solution accepted by all parties for the time being.

He also expressed his worry over resorting to military solution to bring an end to the Syrian crisis.

The meeting between Arab and EU foreign ministers took up the latest developments in Syria and means of fighting terrorism in light of the growing terrorist operations in the region and terrorist threats to Europe because of the ME crises.

As for the problem of refugees, Mikser said that the ME region bore the brunt of the influx of Syrian refugees, stressing the necessity of discussions between Arab and EU countries in reaching political solutions to the region's crises.

Source: MENA