Prime Minister Khaled Bahah (C)

Yemeni Prime Minister Khaled Bahah on Friday stressed that his government is determined to end the war in Yemen as soon as possible and welcomes any "serious consultations" to end the killing and destruction spree and suffering being inflicted on Yemenis by the rebel Houthi militia and forces loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh who are targeting innocent people.

Bahah was speaking during a meeting in Riyadh with advisers to President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and a group of negotiators from Yemen's government who are preparing for U.N.-sponsored peace talks in Geneva, Switzerland.

In the meeting, the Yemeni government officials discussed the agenda of the Yemeni government's negotiating team based on UN Security Council 2216, the Gulf Cooperation Council Initiative and the outcomes of the comprehensive National Dialogue conference to achieve permanent peace, reinstate State institutions in all governorates and resume the political process.

They stressed the need for making every possible effort to achieve real and comprehensive solution and peace in the upcoming Geneva peace talks.

They stressed that the "other party" must accept all national responsibilities and implement all relevant international resolutions unconditionally.

The Yemeni government officials also praised the Saudi-led Arab Coalition for standing up for Yemen and making efforts to restore security and stability to the whole country, providing humanitarian relief to the people of Yemen and rehabilitate infrastructure destroyed by the rebel militias in the liberated governorates.
Source: WAM