The senior deputy in the Legislative and Constitutional Committee in Egyptian parliament, Mohamed Atta Salim,

The senior deputy in the Legislative and Constitutional Committee in Egyptian parliament, Mohamed Atta Salim, announced his intention to submit legislation, what provoked the anger of "businessmen" deputies, revealing the scenes of the exclusion of a number of deputies from attending Alexandria youth conference, in the presence of the president. He also expressed his opinion on the way to run meetings in parliament.

Regarding Alexandria Youth Conference, he said the exclusion of deputies from attending recent youth conference, was an incorrect step, harmed a number of parties not the deputies alone, because it  has shown that the existing authority follow the approach of excluding people's deputies.

Regarding his opinion on the regulatory and legislative result of parliement during the last session, he said that the supervisory role is very weak, and did not reach the desired degree, and although the legislative role is prominent and has a lot of positive effects, but it also miss important laws that we envisaged to be issued during the past months of work in the council, specifically those related to combating corruption and eliminating the waste of public money.

"We can not overlook the council's issuing important laws, such as investment and industrial licenses, aimed at activating industry and investment," the Egyptian MP said. He added there are laws that are not issued such as criminal procedure law, the law of lawyers, or the defense of public money, have all faltered, expressing his hope that it will be issued during third round, which begins weeks later.

In addition to his legislative agenda for the coming period, he said that he is preparing several laws expected to provoke controversy. "Apart from a law to expand the retirement of judges at an early age, which was already submitted to legislative committee and is supposed to discuss it in the third round, I prepare for another law on the imposition of "progressive taxes" on the rich, and I have done all kinds of comprehensive studies on the law," Salim stated.

On his opinion on the new state budget, he expressed his concerns about this budget, due to the size of the interest of the debts paid by Egypt, which is estimated at one billion pounds a day, a total of 381 billion pounds in one year, which are just benefits and not assets, indicating the need to exploite tourism and mineral wealth.

Regarding his comments on the performance of some MPs and the way the parliament worked, he said that the majority of deputies and their president seek only for the benefit of the country during that sensitive and extraordinary period.

Source: BNA