MP Mohammed Farag al-Ghoul

MP Mohammed Farag al-Ghoul, head of the legal committee in the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza, described the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation in Jerusalem as war crimes and aggression on the holy city and Al-Aqsa Mosque, stressing the need to take steps against the occupation in terms of legal, military, security and political aspects.

Ghoul said in an exclusive interview with Arabs Today that the US administration participated in the crimes of the occupation against Palestinians through its support, explaining that "the entire land of Palestine is our right," calling for urgent actions to remove the occupation from Palestine.

He warned the from the support and full cover granted by the new American president Donald Trump to the occupation government, considering it as a prelude to a clear targeting of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

MP Ghoul condemned the approval of the Israeli Knesset to a new law that legitimize settlements, calling it a racist law, which aims to legitimize the settlements and steal Palestinian land as it happened in 1948, pointing out that Israeli legislations are illegal.

He said that this law, issued by the occupying power, is an international crime committed on the occupied land of Palestine, and aims to legitimize the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation.

Ghoul called for the international community to condemn the occupation for such racist laws and refer it the International Criminal Court, explaining that the legitimization of settlements is an attempt to deceive the international community and pretends that the occupation practices democracy and legal ways, while it is actually trying to cover its war crimes against the Palestinian people.

In domestic affairs, Ghoul stressed that President Mahmoud Abbas is not entitled to issue decisions and new amendments to the Palestinian laws without reference to the Legislative Council. He added that Abbas issued a decree to establish a special court to deal with electoral appeals instead of the Primary Court, describing it as void and illegal decree, stressing that holding local elections without consensus will increase the division.