Leader Alaa Mekki

Representative of National Coalition’s leader Alaa Mekki blamed a number of political parties for not honoring their commitment and agreements, stressing that their approach pushed them to turn into opposition.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today, that they attempted to take Iraq’s Ministry of Defense to achieve their national project, stressing the need for restructuring the Iraqi army, while the other political parties refused to appoint any of their candidates in this critical position.

Mekki considered the participation in the government as a failure solution, saying that those people who participated in the consecutive governments bear the responsibility of the current problems witnessed in the country.

He stressed that the domination of political parties was the main reason for their failure to take the responsibility of Iraq’s Defense Ministry. He stressed that they turned to opposition as Prime Minister Haier Al Abadi is committed to the quota principle in dealing with the different positions. He stressed that the government appoints the ministers without any consultations with the different political parties.

He added that their decision to turn into opposition came in response to the people’s aspirations, as the government violated the parliamentarian authorities. He blamed the quota for undermining the role performed by the political opposition parties.

He stressed that the Iraqi political mentality has grown on the basis of the concepts of leadership