Kamel al-Khoudany

The leader in Yemeni Congress Party, Kamel al-Khoudany explained that the prospect of political solution seems non-existent, given the decline in the pace of the political movement and the escalation of military operations in more than one front, as well as creating new fronts as happened in Mokha and Atma.

Al-Khoudany said, in an exclusive interview with Arabs Today, that although we are going towards a major escalation of military actions in the light of the political and media discourse, but in my personal view, and after two years of military actions, incidents have proved that a military solution is impossible and there is no substitute for a political solution, which guarantees the principle of national sovereignty and partnership for all parties.

Concerning the alliance between Houthis and the Cogress party, Al-Khoudany said that he against this alliance, but his party found itself in the same trench with the Houthi group after military operations  carried out by coalition countries without differentiating between Houthi targets or his party's targets. In addition to the coalition's media speeches inciting against the leaders of his party, specifically the leader Saleh, who is still enjoying popularity and wide without taking into account the role that his party's role in national equation in general.

"The reasons that led to the Congress party-Houthis' coalition is the Arab Coalition," Al-Khoudany said, adding that his party did not benefit from this alliance and its losses, from both the Arab Coalition and its alliance with the Houthi group, is great.

He also described the Houthis as the gang, due to its actions and corruption as well as its targeting, destroying and looting of state resources and ongoing quest to control all aspects of the state without regard to the regulations and the laws.

He stressed that the General People's Congress Party is calling for peace , since 2014 incidents, when President Saleh and leaders of Congress announced several statements and calls, since the beginning of the military actions, to all parties, including the coalition countries to stop fighting and sit on negotiations table, and his party continues until the moment in inviting all parties and the international community to find a solution for the Yemeni crisis.

Al-Khoudany pointed out that the alliance of Congress with the Houthi group came to save what can be saved of economic situation and the collapse of services and law and to protect the constitution and the institutions of the country.

He concluded that the Yemeni people can no longer tolerate the war of the conflicting parties, and his people are the victim, pointed out that the Coalition led by the Gulf States should help the Yemeni people, support them with food, stop the bloodshed and to find peaceful solution instead of the military one.