Ambassador Khaled al-Jarallah

Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry Khaled Al-Jarallah on Thursday voiced concern over the current volatile situation in Yemen.
Speaking to reporters following the fifth meeting of the Kuwait-UK Joint Steering Group, Al-Jarallah reiterated the Gulf Initiative and its Executive Mechanism as the only and practical way out of the Yemeni crisis.
"If the Gulf Initiative was put in place, Yemen would be able to escape its bottleneck. But, regrettably, Yemeni parties are still unable to implement this initiative," he said.
However, the Kuwaiti official expressed hope that UN efforts to resolve the Yemeni crisis would bear fruit soon.
He also called on the UN to maintain its role in this regard, emphasizing that "there should be consensus between the UN and the Gulf Initiative".
Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi resigned at the end of last month along with his prime minister in protest at the takeover of the capital Sanaa by Houthi militants, creating a dangerous political vacuum in the country.
Source: KUNA