Abdel Kareem Ebada

Leading member of Algeria’s ruling National Liberation Front Abdel Kareem Ebada said that the party’s director general should bear the responsibility of the party’s loss during the recent parliamentary elections held on Thursday. He reminded him of the statements he made after the controversy raised over the formation of the party’s electoral lists, as he said that he would bear the responsibility in case of loss.
He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, the major reasons behind the party’s loss are the electoral lists, electoral campaign and weak political speech. He added that the party lacked a strong electoral program and did not provide any serious solution for the current problems witnessed in the country.
He stressed the need for holding an exceptional meeting as soon as possible to discuss the controversial issues inside the ruling party and to reassess the results that they achieved during the parliamentary elections. He called the leaders of the party for abandoning the idea of appointments in the party, saying that such appointments harmed the party during the recent years.
He warned that the ruling party would not be able to compete for the coming elections, if it adopted the same approach, calling for excluding the party’s director general from his position to avoid any potential loss during the coming period.
He added that the Algerian government is required today to set a clear economic policy, out of dependence, and this through the development of the industrial sector, agriculture and services.
Regarding to his expectations of oil prices in international markets, Mataboul expected that the price would not exceed $ 60, and the impossibility of returning to $ 100 as it was earlier, given the new changes in the international market