President of Lebanon’s Constitutional Council Issam Suleiman told Arab Today that the council faces a brutal campaign aiming to destroy its image. The committee is currently considering the validity of the law aiming to extend the term of the House of the Representatives to 17 months. He added that the council has been subjected to accusations and outside pressure. Suleiman also expressed his refusal to classify members of the Lebanese parliament according to their sects. He added that a journalist asked him whether the two Shiite and Druze members disrupted a parliamentary session, to which he replied that he only knows the members by their names.   The council head criticised what he described as the fall of values, describing it as a major threat to the community. He refused the accusations that target his council claiming members give in to exterior pressure He added the main principle in the courts and constitutional councils is that members should not boycott the sessions especially in the sessions to consider the constitutionality of the laws. He expressed his astonishment over the interference of the US Embassy in Beirut.