Yemeni forces

Yemen’s leader of special forces Abdou Ahmed Al Halemy called Yemen’s President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his senior officials for providing support to his forces during the coming period to be able to achieve their military objectives. He also called Saudi King Salman for paying attention to them due to the lack of capabilities provided to his forces during the current period.

Halemy added that he formed a security camp in Yemeni governorate of Epp during the recent weeks with simple capabilities, while they decided to bear the responsibility to confront the Persian extension to the Arab world not to turn Yemen into a new Aleppo or a new Iraq.

He expressed his aspiration to liberate his governorate and its surrounding area from Houth militias, stressing that such objective needs a lot of efforts and capabilities to be achieved. He called the country’s leaders for cooperating with him to achieve this objective.

He added, “We aspire not only to liberate our territories but also to invade the Persian territories. We aspire to restore the glories of Muslim Caliph Omar Bin Al Khattab in the Arab Peninsula.” He stressed their readiness to achieve any objectives during the coming period, while he blamed the lack of capabilities.