Mohamed Badawy Desoki

Egyptian parliamentarian Mohamed Badawy Desoki revealed his intention to submit a proposal to increase the price of Metro ticket to be three pounds instead of two. The statement comes in coincidence with a state of rage dominating the Egyptian people for the recent increase witnessed in the ticket.

He added that this system will allow the Egyptian citizen to uses the ticket through the day, as he can use it for more than once a day. He added that his proposal allows the citizen and the individuals of his family to use the ticket during the day, saying that this proposal is implemented in all over the world

He added that his proposal serves the interest of the Egyptian citizen on one hand, as he can use the ticket many times through the day, and it also serves the interests of the authority on the other hand, as it increases its financial sources.

He added that the Egyptian metro needs increasing work to develop its services during the coming period and to maintain it, saying that a number of Egyptian companied turned to cancel their contracts with the Egyptian government due to its failure to meet its commitments.

The Egyptian parliamentarian strongly criticized the governmental dealing with the crisis, as the government ignored the parliament before taking its decision to increase the ticket prices. He added that Egypt’s minister of transportation participated in the meeting of the parliamentarian committee of transportation only one day before the decision, while he has not briefed them on the decision.