Egyptian parliamentarian Atif Makhaleef

Egyptian parliamentarian Atif Makhaleef criticized the performance of the governmental sectors, while the executive authority ignores the negligence of many sector working with the Egyptian state. He blamed the government for not working to achieve reform.

He signaled to the bad dealing of Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities with the recent archeological discoveries witnessed in Cairo’s district of Mataria. He added that the discoveries were not surprise for him, saying that he realizes the area still has large amounts of antiquities and huge archeological pieces that could impress the whole world.

He revealed that he submitted a petition to Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, calling for the governmental help to inform the officials of a temple returning to the Pharaonic era existed in the capital’s district. He added that he need the governmental approval and support to reveal his own plan to extract these monuments.

He criticized the way adopted by the government to extract Ramsis II statute, saying that they turned to use preliminary ways that harmed the monuments. He added that the way adopted by the government gave negative impression over the country and the extent of its readiness to deal with such exceptional moments

Regarding the current economic position, the Egyptian parliamentarian said that the major crisis faces the government is the lack of its alternatives, saying that the economic measures led to the increase of prices of everything, including food, transportation, electronic devices, and gas and electricity bills.

He warned that the citizen chose to support the Egyptian state, while the government decided to neglect him, blaming the lack of governmental supervision on traders who turned to use the current critical period witnessed in the country to achieve financial gains. He accused the government of ignoring the orders of President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi who called for adopting position supporting low-income citizen.

He added that human rights committee will focus on discussing the ways to develop the social and humanitarian of the citizens, saying that the committee will coordinate with the different ministries and authorities. He added that they organized a visit to Sharqiya governorate to discuss a number of critical issues facing the governorate, including street children and orphans.