Tunisian parliamentarian Boshra belhaj Hemeida

Tunisian parliamentarian Boshra belhaj Hemeida said that the security solutions are not enough to deal with the returnees from the hotbeds of tensions, stressing the necessity of discussing the reasons that put her country on the top list of countries exporting terrorism although the tolerant nature of the Tunisian community.

She added that it is not accepted to refer the cases of returning fighters to trial on the basis of Transitional Justice law which considers the crimes related to human rights violations, while the considered crimes are ranked as crimes against humanity.

She called the Tunisian authorities to review the punitive actions taken against violators who commit simple violations as the use of drugs, saying that many of those people who have been imprisoned in such cases turned into terrorists after their release.

She added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the new fatwa over girl marriage at the year of 14 are not accepted, describing such calls as serious. She added that she received demands from citizens and right activists to take measures aiming to refer those people who adopted such calls for trial. She stressed that such calls are considered violation against children and promotion for the rape crimes.

She praised the current situation of freedoms in Tunisia, saying that it witnessed notable improvement. She added that the government has not suppressed the freedoms, while it has not interfered to protect them. She blamed the extremists for their interference in the personal life of people, especially Women’s clothes, describing such approach as suppressive.

The Tunisian politician criticized the opposition in the country, saying that the opposition parties bear the responsibility of the current critical position witnessed in the country, as they failed to perform an active role to find alternative solution for the problems witnessed in the Tunisian community. She added that the Tunisian opposition is not qualified for ruling the country.

She stressed that the opposition parties do not realize the need for turning into ready power to take the authority during the coming period, calling them for reviewing their policies.  She expressed her aspiration to establish an assembly to defend the rights of children facing the danger of sexual assault.