Yemeni strategic and military expert, Ibrahim al-Habashi

The Yemeni strategic and military expert, Ibrahim al-Habashi said that the political landscape does not bode any solutions, except in a single case, when the external interference stops, which contributes in supporting parties against another. 

The external interference, which consists of a group of states, have economic purposes and they believe that their economic interest is based on the continuation of Yemen in this spiral of conflict. For me, and for all Yemenis, we are convinced that solution will be Yemeni-Yemeni free from any interference from any party.

Ibrahim al-Habashi said, in an exclusive interview with Arabs Today, that there are several factors contributed mainly to failure to achieve any resolve in favor of any side in Naham directorate, the eastern gate of the capital Sana'a, including the rugged terrain of the region being an irregular mountainous area.

In addition to the presence of some parties and powers participating in those battles, in which war represents to them investment opportunity that should be exploited to reap a lot of wealth, and these forces stand beside of the coalition, being found itself in front of Gulf treasury.
Thus creating a chance not to miss for some of those leaders and powers to participate in this war. This factor works on the continued fighting and the lack of a break in both Naham or in the other fronts.

Concerning the strategic importance of Mokha city, hr said that it is easy for any forces, whether loyal to the former president or popular committees, or even forces loyal to coalition, to control of Mokha, but it is difficult to continue in controlling the city due to its geographic nature.

Al-Habashi said that the entering of the Yemeni government forces, loyal to President Hadi, more and more in Hodeida, is suicide, and the proportion of achieving any advance will not exceed 15%. In addition, those troops will not be able to get a stable and secure base to launch military operations in the north cities.

Al-Habashi concluded that the Iranian moves and what propagated by the media that Iran abandoned its support in Yemen issue, gives an impression that Iran and America share together in easing the process of handing Yemen to America, and what they are looking for is to bring Saudi Arabia out of the war in Yemen.