US vice president Joe biden

Visiting U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that Turkey's parliamentarian system and its power are key to democracy, which was interpreted by local media as against Turkey's adopting a presidential system in line with the president's desire.

"Of course it will be parliamentarians, who are going to create the new constitution and decide on the future of the parliamentary system," Biden is quoted by Turkish daily Vatan as saying at a meeting with a group of Turkish parliamentarians.

Turkey's new government after the election in November, 2015, has set the target of adopting a presidential system through a new constitution in line with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's desire.

Biden's statement was interpreted by Turkish media as U.S. opposition to a change in Turkey's parliamentarian system.

The U.S. vice president also criticized Ankara over the imprisonment of Turkish journalists and the investigation of academics who have recently signed a peace declaration calling for a cease-fire between the Kurdish militants and Turkish security forces.

"When the media are intimidated or imprisoned for critical reporting and more than 1,000 academics are accused of treason simply by signing a petition, that's not the kind of example that needs to be set," Biden said at a meeting with civil society representatives.

He added that Turkey failed to set a "right example" on freedom of expression.

Turkey's border security and its counter terrorism efforts against the Islamic State (IS) are expected to dominate Biden's agenda during his meeting with President Erdogan and the prime minister on Saturday.

The focus will be on security of Turkey's border with Syria, including preventing jihadists' infiltration to Syria and sealing the 98-km-long stretch that has been used as a gate by IS militants to smuggle black market goods and ammunition.

Regarding Turkey's military's presence at the Bashiqa camp north of Mosul, Iraq, Biden is expected to deliver Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's message on the importance of a full-withdrawal of Turkish troops.

Biden also placed a wreath at the scene of the Jan. 12 bombing attack at Istanbul's tourist hub, the Sultanahmet Square, in which 10 German tourists were killed.

Source: XINHUA