Algerian politician Ibrahim Boulihia

Algerian politician Ibrahim Boulihia praised the role performed by the Algerian government to resolve the Libyan crisis, warning of the negative repercussions of any military interference in the country during the coming period.
He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that Algeria supports any political solution to end the Libyan crisis, saying that the Algerian government was the first to oppose any military interference in the neighboring state when former French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for launching international attack against Libya.
Any military attack against Libya, according to the Algerian politician who served as chairperson of Algerian parliament’s foreign relations committee, will push ISIS militias to storm the Libyan territories. He added that the foreign interference in Libya harmed the interests of the Libyan people and the neighboring states, including Tunisia, Egypt and Algeria.
He signaled that the neighboring states suffer from the increasing attempts to smuggle the weapons to their territories and the attempts of ISIS militants to enter these countries through their borders with Libya.
He stressed the need for conducting a political dialogue between the Libyan conflicting parties, calling the Libyans to sit together to achieve the national reconciliation. He stressed that it is the only way to resolve the Libyan crisis and to allow the Libyans overcome their challenges to keep their country and to protect the Libyan people.
He expressed his appreciation to the steps taken by the Algerian officials on different levels, signaling to the Algerian delegation that headed to Washington recently to discuss the Libyan crisis with the American officials. He added that the Algerian government exerts its efforts to push the Libyan parties to the dialogue.
Regarding the political developments in Algeria, the former parliamentarian ruled out what was raised in a number of reports over the possibility of his country’s fall in the chaos, saying that the Algerian people realized the historic experience of chaos in 1990s which led to the killing of thousands of people.