Spokesman for the Political Bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

Spokesman for the Political Bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan said that the decision to suspend flights over all border crossings airports in the region is far from logic, and that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan rejects the resolution and strongly.
He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that Iraqi government punishes the Kurdistan region by suspending flights over all border crossings Airports in the region is far from logic, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan rejects the decision and strongly.
He stressed that outstanding problems between Baghdad and the region will not be resolved in this way, and the Kurdish people should not pay the tax to hold a referendum in the Kurdistan region. He added that House of Representatives for the second time in a week issued illegal and illogical decisions against the Kurdistan region and the Kurdistan region outside the Kurdistan Regional Administration.
He continued, “The referendum does not mean independence. Even after achieving separation, Iraqi citizens will be dealt as the sons of this one country.” He stressed that the measures taken against the region are not necessary.
He added that The Kurdistan region is ready to hold a dialogue with all the Iraqi and regional parties for stability, pointing out that whatever changes we will keep each other's neighbors. He added,” We are dealing clearly and in a national spirit with the events,” noting that there are politicians who try to use the Iraqi parliament against the Kurdish people and raise tensions in the Iraqi street for electoral gain.
Regarding the possibility of cancellation of the referendum process, He said that the decision to cancel the referendum cannot take place unless there is a new referendum to put the decision before the people to decide whether to reject or accept it.
He pointed out that it is not possible to ignore the opinion of the people, but must be referred to in any new resolution on the referendum, and that any decision to cancel the referendum must be taken upon a new referendum to take the opinion of the people in terms of cancellation or to implement its results.