Hungary will take its simple border fence and turn it into a fortress-like structure to keep migrants out even more efficiently than it has to date,

Hungary will take its simple border fence and turn it into a fortress-like structure to keep migrants out even more efficiently than it has to date, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Friday. "Technical plans are being made to replace the existing fence with a more serious structure," Orban said in his regular weekly interview with state radio. "That will be capable of stopping hundreds of thousands of people simultaneously." At the peak of the migration and refugee crisis, in September 2015, the nationalist prime minister's cabinet ordered the construction of a fence, laced with razor wire, along the border with Serbia and Croatia, to keep out people arriving along the Balkan route. 

Migrant arrivals in Hungary have since dwindled, though Orban's critics attribute the decline to a separate deal the European Union struck with Turkey to keep refugees from reaching Greece and Europe, dpa reported. 
With his openly anti-immigration stance, Orban - joined by fellow Visegrad Group leaders from Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland - fronted the opposition within the EU to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's refugee policy

Source: QNA