Head Amer Al Mehrezi

Head of Tunisian Bar Association Amer Al Mehrezi criticized the statements issued by President Beji Caid Essebsi that he will demand the National Security Council not to arrest cannabis consumers until the passage of the new law. He said that such a statement is considered a clear violation against the law.

He added, during an interview with "Arabs Today", that if the National Security Council responded to such a call, it would undermine its authority to pursue those people who commit other crimes, including the thieves who turn to steal because of the social challenges facing them.

As long as the legal text is still in force, Mehrezi said, it should be implemented. He stressed that the parliament is the only institution authorized to amend the laws, saying that the consumers of cannabis should be held accountable.

He refused the statement issued by a presidential official that the president's decision comes in the framework of social not legal issues, saying that it is disastrous statement, as it gives the priority to the social issues at the expense of the law. He added that it is a clear violation to the principle of rule of law.

He ruled out the possibility of passing the law to legalize the use of cannabis, as it would undermine the social values of the Tunisian community. He expressed his aspiration that the parliament will ease the measures against consumers not to cancel them stressing that such a law could threaten the Tunisian community as while.