Palestinian politician Kaied Al Ghool

Member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Kaied Al Ghool revealed that his movement is scheduled to participate in the coming local elections scheduled to be held on May 13 in the West Bank despite the serious challenges facing them.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the front exerted a lot of efforts to hold the local elections in the West Banks simultaneously with the Gaza Strip, adding that they resume the efforts aiming to overcome the challenges that led to delaying the elections in Gaza.

He stressed that his movement works to be a part of the Leftist Democratic Current, stressing their refusal to the approach based on privatization. He stressed that their program during the election aims to contain the increasing corruption witnessed in the country, calling for providing equal services for all citizens.

He stated that they have a clear vision to support the Palestinian citizen’s withstanding against the Israeli occupation, stressing that it is better for the Palestinian people to hold the elections than the formation of provincial council through appointment.

Regarding the Israeli occupation, He said that the Palestinian people to raise a state of alert and to prepare for a new uprising in response to the Israeli ratification of the new settlement act which legalize confiscation of the Palestinians’ lands to build new settlements.

He added that the Israeli occupation wants to send a clear message to the international community that the Israeli government insists on implementing its own plan impeding its withdrawal from the Palestinian territories and the establishment of the Palestinian state.

He blamed the American approach to cover the Israeli violations, stressing that the U.S will not perform any role to suspend the Israeli settlements. He stressed that it is clear that the position adopted by Trump’s Administration is biased towards Israel.