Leading member Qotbi Al Mahdy

Leading member Sudan's ruling National Conference Party Qotbi Al Mahdy called his government to resume cooperation with Hamas, stressing the need for not abandoning the Palestinian issue. He added, "Khartoum's support for Hamas is critical and should not be abandoned."
He added, in an interview with "Arabs Today", that the U.S demanded Sudan's government to cooperate with the current efforts aiming to combat terrorism. He stressed that the U.S fears the threats posed by the terrorist groups. He added, "Sudan and the U.S have a major difference over the definition of terrorism, as they view everyone carrying a weapon as a terrorist even if he struggles for his rights."
He added that the core difference between the U.S and Sudan was the Sudanese insistence of implementing the Islamic rule, saying that they refused a number of ministers in the Sudanese government because of their Islamist background.
The main dilemma, he continued, is the American fear of terrorism, as they link between extremism and Islamic rule. He stressed that the U.S Administration called Sudan for not cooperating with Hamas or Muslim Brotherhood, describing them as terrorist groups. 
He stressed that the U.S has no problem to deal with the Muslim Brotherhood, blaming the Jewish lobby for the current American position from the group. He also criticized the Christian far right trends, accusing them of not respecting the other religions or justice.
He added that the U.S decision to lift the sanctions imposed on Sudan is not a favor, stressing the right of Sudanese government to develop the country. He stressed, "They imposed a blockade against us and we accepted it, while they forced the other countries to take the same approach towards us."