Lebanese President Michel Aoun

Lebanese President Michel Aoun said during his visit to Egypt that his talks with President Abdel Fattah El Sisi tackled a host of Arab issues as well as means of enhancing bilateral ties.

In an interview with Nile TV on Tuesday, Aoun said he was keen to visit the Azhar Sheikhdom and St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral as they can play a key role in the political life.

He underlined the depth of Egyptian-Lebanese ties.

Aoun highlighted the importance of restoring security in Syria in order to settle the Syrian refugees crisis - which burdens Lebanon and Jordan economically.

He added that security and stability were beefed up in Lebanon as political disputes dwindled. 
Lebanese President Michel Aoun said the Lebanese government is working in harmony, even disputing Lebanese parties work together to solve any problem for the best interests of the Lebanese people.

As for the Syrian crisis' impact on Lebanon, he said the Syrian file is a main point of contention in Lebanon, therefore all parties agreed to freeze such disputes to realize security and stability in Lebanon.

As for Lebanon's hosting of a Syrian opposition conference, Aoun dismissed the news as false.

Concerning maintaining Hezbollah armed and allowing other political parties' armament for confronting the dangers of Israel, the Lebanese president said no armed militias will be allowed to be formed to confront dangers.

If there is any danger, the Lebanese people will be mobilized, he added.

Regarding amalgamating Hezbollah to the Lebanese army, he said this depends on the defense strategy.

Concerning the crisis of printed newspapers as historical Lebanese papers were suspended, he said printed newspapers worldwide are suffering a serious crisis in view of modern technology and the use of the internet.

As for the Arab League action concerning the Syrian crisis, he said if all Arab states respect the AL charter, there will be no wars, but unfortunately there are bad practices and efforts by a state to take over another state. 

Concerning his vision on the future of the Lebanese-US ties, he said it seems that the US is passing through a stage of change and Lebanon is waiting to see the policy of new US President Donald Trump.

Source: MENA