The Secretary General of the Tunisian Democratic Current Party, Mohamed Abbou

The Secretary General of the Tunisian Democratic Current Party, Mohamed Abbou, stressed that there is a difference between what happened with him at the Ministry of governance, which he resigned from, and what happened with Abied al-Briki, who was dismissed from the same ministry.

 He added that it was agreed with him about the terms of reference in the ministry before the formation of the government, but this did not happen, as for Briki, he entered the ministry with all the powers which he had called for, explaining what happened to him that he did not implement the policy of the PM.

Abbou stressed, in exclusive interview with Arabs Today, that the real problem lies in the politicians and not in the political system, pointed out that what determines the fact that the state is advanced or not is the level of awareness among the public, especially the political class.
"The political class contains a lot of corruption and giving priority to self-interest and selfishness, including in state institutions," he said, describing their speech as devoted to mutual interests, which is a systematic case for beating Tunisia's values.

Regarding his opinion on the crisis between the government and the Federation of Labour, Abbou said that the dismiss of al-Braiki left a bad impact on the relationship between the union and the government, adding that it is impossible for a failure government to insult the public institutions.

Abbou said that the solution lies in reforming the government and the public facilities as well as penalizing who have committed crimes of corruption.

Mohammed Abbou revealed that corruption has spread in Tunisia, and Tunisian people, who may come out in peaceful marches to call for accountability of corrupt including in the political class, will resolve the matter.
Public pressure can calm things in Tunisia, especially after they informed that their situation will not improve, he concluded.