Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi asserted that the Muslim Brotherhood group is not qualified to assume power and it is a group that only seeks to establish the so-called "Khilafa rule" that was previously known as "the Islamic state rule".

The Tunisian president's remarks came in his interview-book titled "Tunisia: Democracy in Land of Islam": A plea for Tunisia that was published on December 1 in Paris by Plon publishing house after a set of interviews with French journalist Arlette Chabot.

He said the Renaissance Movement has relinquished the Muslim Brotherhood and without such a move he would not have entered into dialogue with them to reach a national consensus.
In this interview-book, Beji Caid Essebsi speaks of Islam, the terrorist threat, the international challenges, the relations between Tunis and Paris, and mainly his project: building democracy in the land of Islam.

In this book, he calls on Western countries to help Tunisia and size up joint challenges as regards fight against terrorism and support to a nascent democratic experience.

Caid Essebsi recalls in this book his political career before and after the Revolution and explains how he seeks to be a witness and observer of Tunisia's development, to serve the country as a man of consensus who has favored negotiation over confrontation

Source: MENA