The St. Louis Cardinals were feted by hundreds of thousands of fans, two days after their determined triumph over the Texas Rangers in the World Series. Not even the prospect that Albert Pujols could be lost to free agency could dim fans\' enthusiasm, as those who turned out cheered the slugger as he and their teammates made their way down the parade route ending at Busch Stadium. \"Hey, why not?\" Pujols smiled when asked if he\'d like to stay in St. Louis and try for another Major League Baseball title next year. Whatever uncertainties hover over next season, the Cardinals faithful were keen to celebrate their team\'s unlikely run to the 2011 crown. The Cardinals didn\'t even book their playoff berth until the last day of the regular season. They beat the favored Phillies in the National League playoffs, and were twice down to their last strike in game six of the World Series against the Rangers -- who would have taken the title with a victory in that contest. \"This 11th Cardinals world championship will always be remembered as one of baseball\'s greatest achievements,\" Cardinals owner Bill DeWitt jnr said, noting that his team had to win four elimination games in the post-season. Added manager Tony La Russa: \"What these guys did so many times facing elimination, it\'s a lesson for all of us,\" La Russa said. \"They never quit.\" David Freese, the hometown boy who was named Most Valuable Player of the World Series, recalled his joy in 2007 at learning he had been traded to the Cardinals. Freese said he was sitting in a fast-food restaurant when \"I got the greatest phone call of my life, that I had been traded to the St. Louis Cardinals.\" Amid the music of high school marching bands and the cries of hot dog and peanut vendors, pickup trucks carrying the current players and Cardinals legends such as Lou Brock and Red Schoendienst received euphoric welcomes from the people they passed. \"I\'ll never forget any of this,\" said outfielder Allen Craig, who hit three homers in the World Series, said. \"It\'s been great.\"