\'What\'s it like playing for Liverpool?\', \'Who\'s the best player in the world?\', \'What would you be if you weren\'t a footballer?\', \'Did John Arne Riise\'s singing make you laugh in Istanbul?\' They are just a handful of the many questions put to Reds star Jamie Carragher by kids from Liverpool\'s Broadgreen and Old Swan area when he popped along to a three-day LFC Soccer Camp run by the club\'s community coaches at Broadgreen Technology College. The No.23 took part in a lively and entertaining Q&A session, watched the youngsters show of their skills, and pose for photos and sign autographs - much to the delight of the participants. Carragher has been a staunch supporter of Liverpool\'s community activities - and, as always, he was more than happy to get involved. \"We\'re always thinking of different things for kids to do during half-term,\" he said. \"I have children myself and when half term comes, you\'re wracking your brains trying to think of different things to do with them to keep them occupied. This is a great way to achieve that. \"We\'re always talking about obesity in kids, so this is a good way to keep them fit, active and entertained in the week they\'re off school. \"I enjoyed being involved because it wasn\'t so long ago that I was in the same position myself, hoping to one day be a footballer. I wasn\'t fortunate enough to meet many footballers as a kid, so that\'s what is great about these initiatives and what the club - and Everton - do in the local area. It\'s great for the kids.\"Carragher\'s sentiments were echoed by LFC\'s Kickz officer Forbes Duff, who believes the soccer camp can help tackle issues affecting young people in today\'s society. He said: \"The main aims are to give the young people from this area an opportunity to play football for free, get a little bit of coaching, learn some skills and, most importantly, to enjoy taking part in football. \"Football can help with different issues, such as health, obesity and fitness, so that\'s why we\'ve put it on. \"It was a great honour and pleasure to have Jamie Carragher here to answer some questions from the kids in the Q&A, watch the football, and sign autographs. It gives the kids a real boost because a lot of them want to be footballers, so to have Jamie come down and join in is a great thing.\"