She has shot to fame, but for all the wrong reasons. One-film wonder Nupur Mehta is not really enjoying the limelight coming her way, despite being in Bollywood for a good eight years. A steamy, blurred faced picture of the actress was used in British newspaper ‘The Sunday Times’, to illustrate the nexus between Bollywood and Indian bookies involved with cricket match fixing. “I am not a part of such dirty mischief. My name is just being dragged to create controversy and sensationalism. They have tried to demean my personality and it is all just fake,” says Nupur. And Nupur is planning to sue the publication for defaming her name. She says, “Today, I have a meeting with my lawyer. We have decided to file a case against the publication. “It is not a matter of cops because no one has lodged a complaint against me. But the legal issue will now come into being as they have unnecessarily put my name in between.” She says, “The big question I am asking myself is, ‘Why me?’ I think they just are in love with me, or love my face, hence, I was being used. They just wanted to associate me with cricket and create spicy news which sells.”While Nupur publicly denied all the allegations, she stated that such reports have caused her a lot of emotional stress. She says, “It is very annoying that the ‘Sunday Times’ had to use my picture and that too without my permission. This news has created mental trauma and stress for me.” A few people from the industry too have turned supportive for this starlet who has featured in a few commercials, but has never had the claim to limelight. At the same time, a lot of predictions are being made about Nupur making it to the next season of controversial reality show ‘Bigg Boss’. “My doors are open for ‘Bigg Boss’. There is no question of saying no. But I will go there not just because of this controversy, but as a person I deserve to be there. And for those who think this is a publicity stunt, I can only say that they are very negative people,” says Nupur.