Stefano Pioli won his debut on the Bologna bench and hopes to maintain that trend against Lazio tonight.“Lazio are a team with a strong squad who introduced elements of international level this season,” said the Coach.“They have important ambitions and play good football with a frightening trident attack, so we must approach this match with courage.“I expect the team to play with humility, but at the same time be aware of its capabilities.”Bologna had been in dire straits and sacked Pier Paolo Bisoli, but new boss Pioli earned a surprise 2-0 win away to Novara on his debut.“I want to see simple play from the start of the attacking move, as if we try something over-complicated then Lazio have strikers who can pounce on our every mistake.“We need the squad to remain solid and keep the tempo high. I trust my lads to pile on the pressure, as they are boosted by the victory in Novara. We have to build on that win.”Bologna are without Diego Perez, while Jean-Francois Gillet and Nico Pulzetti are carrying injuries.Bologna squad: Agliardi, Gillet, Lombardi; Cherubin, Garics, Loria, Morleo, Portanova, Raggi, Vitale; Casarini, Kone, Krhin, Mudingayi, Pulzetti, Taider; Acquafresca, Di Vaio, Gimenez, Paponi, Ramirez, Vantaggiato