Sonny Bill Williams

Unicef New Zealand has distanced itself from the All Blacks star Sonny Bill Williams after he tweeted graphic images of dead children shortly after visiting a camp for Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

Williams tweeted two graphic images of dead children on Tuesday evening with the caption: “What did these children do to deserve this? This summer share a thought for the innocent lives lost everyday in war.”

He visited refugee camps in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon earlier this month as a guest of Unicef New Zealand.

Unicef New Zealand spokesman Patrick Rose said the organisation would never publicise “very disturbing and upsetting” images such as those tweeted by Williams.

“This is not a Unicef process. We didn’t take those images, he wasn’t with us when those images were taken, he didn’t take those images, he didn’t see that on his trip to Lebanon with us, and certainly he didn’t consult with us before posting those images.

“We’re as surprised – and I think disturbed – as everyone by seeing these images posted.”
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Williams’ post drew a critical reaction from some of his Twitter followers.

“Although I sympathise w ur reasons for posting this, it’s not wise. It can be a trigger for some pple. Also young followers,” one said.

Source: AFP