"If a proposal that is discriminatory or inconsistent with our values were to become law (in Texas), that

 A proposed Texas law that targets transgender people could prompt the NFL to keep future Super Bowls from Dallas and Houston if it passes, a league spokesman told the Houston Chronicle.

The proposed law, known as "Senate Bill 6" or the "bathroom bill," would require transgender people use the bathroom corresponding to the sex listed on their birth certificate rather than the one they feel most comfortable using.

A similar bill in North Carolina prompted next week's NBA All-Star Game to be moved by the league from Charlotte to New Orleans. Seven championship collegiate events were also moved out of the state.

With Houston drawing huge attention and revenues from hosting Super Bowl 51 last weekend, the impact of losing any hope of another host role either there or in Dallas, which hosted the 2011 Super Bowl, could be devastating.

"If a proposal that is discriminatory or inconsistent with our values were to become law (in Texas), that would certainly be a factor considered when thinking about awarding future events," NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy told the newspaper in an email.

"The NFL embraces inclusiveness. We want all fans to feel welcomed at our events and NFL policies prohibit discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other improper standard."

Future Super Bowls are set for Minneapolis next year, Atlanta in 2019, Miami in 2020 and Los Angeles in 2021

source: AFP