IMF team in Egypt to review loan installment

A delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has arrived in Egypt to prepare for a review required before disbursing the second installment of a three-year $12-billion loan, sources at the Finance Ministry told Reuters on Tuesday.
The IMF said earlier this month that Egypt was on track to receive the second tranche, expected to be $1.25 billion, pending a visit at the end of February to review progress on its economic reform program.
The IMF originally approved the loan, intended to jumpstart an economy battered by years of turmoil that have driven away investors and tourists, in November when it released the first $2.75 billion installment.
“There are currently two delegations from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Egypt. The first arrived on Sunday and will stay until Feb. 9 and this is a delegation providing technical support and training in budget preparation and government programs,” one of the sources said.
“The second delegation arrived Monday and is staying two or three days to deal with procedures for the Fund’s final review before the second tranche is received,” the source added.
The reforms include a raft of measures including loosening capital controls, ending energy subsidies, reforming public enterprises and overhauling monetary policy in a bid to restore economic stability and long-term growth.

Source : Arab News