Drum seismograph records the shaking of the ground

Twenty people were injured and hospitalized after a 5.5-magnitude earthquake jolted southwest China's Yunnan Province late on Sunday, said local authorities.
The tremor that struck Cangyuan County of Lincang City had affected lives of 62,000 residents, according to a statement from the information office of Lincang city government.
Some houses in Mangka Township of Cangyuan and Mengding Township of Gengma County were seriously damaged by the quake, according to China's (Xinhua) News Agency.
A total of 1,000 tents, 2,000 quilts and 20,000 square meters of tarpaulins have been sent to the quake-hit regions.
Cangyuan is a sparsely populated county that borders Myanmar, but houses in its rural areas have poor shock-resistance capability.
A 6.5-magnitude earthquake hit Yunnan's Ludian county on Aug. 3, 2014, claiming more than 600 lives and destroying over 80,000 homes.