The European Commission has announced that it will allocate euro 34 million for an environmental programme in Algeria. This programme will focus on protecting the Algiers coastal region, and aims to put the environment and efforts to tackle the impact of climate change at the heart of the country’s development policies, EU said in a statement. An ambitious euro 34 million environmental programme in Algeria has been launched by the European Commission. In particular, this programme, which will be carried out in partnership with the Algerian authorities, will focus on protecting the Algiers coastal region, and aims to put the environment and efforts to tackle the impact of climate change (for example in coastal development) at the heart of the country’s development policies. European support will contribute to the implementation of the new strategy, placing particular emphasis on enhancing analytical and monitoring capacities, financial transparency and raising awareness among the public. According to the European Commission, support will be given, for example, to a national climate plan, an ecological monitoring system for the coast, management plans for protected areas and studies of public investment costs and recurrent costs, including maintenance. The private sector and civil society will be closely involved in the programme\'s implementation.