Hottest July in nearly 250 years

The month of July has been the hottest in Austria in the 248 years since temperatures have been recorded, the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) said Friday.

Two heavy heat waves that took maximum temperatures up to 38 degrees Celsius are largely responsible, according to ZAMG climatologist Robert Klonner, who said the temperatures across the country were three degrees hotter than the long-term average for the month.

This took it past the previous hottest July in 2006 that was 2.7 degrees over the average, with other highs recorded in 1983 and 1994.

Klonner said in some parts of the country it was not only the hottest July on record, but the hottest month ever recorded.

The number of hours of sunshine for the month was also a significant 20 percent higher than the long-term average across the country, while 20 percent less rain than average was recorded.