The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon opened the two-day Abu Dhabi Ascent summit on Sunday in United Arab Emirates (UAE) capital, which aims to catalyze political momentum for the UN climate summit due in September in New York this year. In his opening speech addressing over 1,000 delegates from nearly all UN member countries, Ban said "I count on representatives of governments, the private sector and civil society who gathered here in Abu Dhabi to explore international and multi stakeholder initiatives with high potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening climate resilience." "It is time for action, as time is running against us," said Ban who said the effects of global warming such as the rise of temperatures, flooding or drought had already huge negative impact on economies, population, agriculture and infrastructure. The Abu Dhabi Ascent summit aims to pave way for the UN climate summit on Sept. 23 in New York which seeks to unite global efforts to fight global warming. The efforts shall culminate in a global agreement on climate change in 2015 when the United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) session is held in December 2015 in Paris. "I am confident that we will reach this ambitious goal," said Ban. There will be no negotiated text or outcome in Abu Dhabi. Both the Ascent and the Climate Summit are separate from but complementary to the UNFCCC negotiating process. The Abu Dhabi Ascent summit also includes high-level private sector and civil society participants. "Let us seize the moment now in Abu Dhabi and at the Climate Summit this September in New York. Success in these meetings can pave the way for the agreement we need in Paris in 2015 and a sustainable future for all humankind," said Ban.