UN medical batt at Lebanon

A bomb exploded overnight at the entrance of a church in the eastern Lebanese city of Zahle, causing no injuries, a church official said Sunday.

The bomb, which consisted of about two kilograms (4.4 pounds) of TNT, was placed at the side entrance of St Mary`s Church, a Syriac Orthodox church, Monsignor Youstinios Boulos Safar told AFP.

The device went off at 4:15 am (0115 GMT), blowing out a side door of the church and damaging benches inside as well as the altar, Safar said.

Seven cars parked nearby were also damaged. No one claimed responsibility.

"I denounce this type of attack and urge people to remain calm," said Safar, who hails from neighbouring Syria and is bishop of Zahle, a mainly Christian town about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the capital Beirut.

He said he planned to hold Sunday mass at the church despite the attack.

The church is located in the industrial part of Zahle, where seven Estonians were kidnapped earlier this week by armed men. Officials have launched a large manhunt but have so far been unable to locate the missing men.

Source: ANTARA