China provides aid to Myanmar

The Chinese Embassy to Myanmar on Monday provided humanitarian aid to Myanmar's flood-hit regions.

A rescue mission led by Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Hong Liang handed the first batch of donations to the flood-stricken people in Kalay, then to people in Rakhine State and central Magway Region, according to a press release of the embassy.

The Chinese rescue operations will cover 1,545 families in Kalay and 20,000 families in Sittway, the release said, adding that a special family rescue package was designed to provide the flood-stricken people with daily necessities.

The total fund of the program for Rakhine State as well as Sagaing and Magway regions amounted to about 300,000 U.S. dollars.

"We will provide continuous support for the flood-affected people and continue the rescue operations in the disaster areas," said Ambassador Hong Liang.

The embassy also called on Chinese enterprises, companies and institutions in Myanmar to actively follow up the flood rescue program and collect charity donations as well as goods to take part in the flood rescue action.

"We are very glad to receive humanitarian goods donated by China and hope for the further strengthening of relationship between Myanmar and China in the future," U Myo Thar, a flood victim in Sagaing, said.

Since June, heavy monsoon rains have left at least 47 people dead and affected more than 210,000 others in 12 out of Myanmar's 14 states and regions, according to the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement.

Sagaing Region has accommodated more than 12,000 flood victims of over 2,500 households at eight relief camps.

More than 6,000 families were being sheltered in 130 relief camps in 12 regions and states in the country, the ministry said.

About 850,600 acres of farmlands were submerged, of which Rakhine state suffered the most with over 260,000 acres submerged, an official of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation told Xinhua.

Meanwhile, most of the country's major rivers have reached their danger levels, said the Meteorology and Hydrology Department.

Flooding caused by heavy rainfall during June and July has hit people in many parts of the country, destroying houses, farmland, railway lines, bridges and roads.

The country's weather bureau also forecast that regionally heavy rainfalls are expected over the country.