South China Sea islands

China plans to build five lighthouses on five islands disputed with Vietnam in the South China Sea.
Locations and alternatives for planned lighthouses on five islands off Xisha Islands (Paracel Islands) have been selected, China News Service reported on Thursday. The islands are North Reef, Antelope Reef, Drummond Island, South Sand and Pyramid Rock. Yang Qing, deputy head of aids to navigation department, said that over eight days starting July 27, technicians have gathered firsthand data from inspection and measurement as well as communication signals tests.
"Insufficient navigation aids in waters, along with the lack of civil charts, have affected the city's administration, development and safety supervision over vessels," Yang explained, according to the report. Besides the territorial row with Vietnam over the Paracel Islands, China is also engaged in a number of maritime disputes with the Philippines in the South China Sea as well as Japan in the East China Sea.