The Chinese government will extend greater support to agriculture, including more subsidies to major grain-growing regions, vice premier Wang Yang has said. Wang made the remarks during his visit in central China's Henan Province from Friday to Saturday, saying that policy supports will be strengthened for agricultural development and farmers interests. He stressed the crucial role of grain production in social and economic development, and urged more investment, subsidies and incentives for grain production and processing. Infrastructures like water conservancy and technologies will be improved for sustainable agricultural development, Wang said. Innovative land management and land circulation will be promoted only if farmers' interests are not impaired, land use is not altered and agricultural production capacity is not damaged, Wang said. Social service system in rural area to inject more strength for public welfare will be further improved, and rural financial innovation will encourage larger agricultural credit market, new rural cooperative financial institutions and stronger insurance supports. Meanwhile, Wang warned of possible droughts in wheat-growing areas recently because of rainfall shortage and demanded local authorities to prepare earlier.