First Chinese to circumnavigate the globe solo

Chinese renowned artist and sailor Zhai Mo, together with his expedition of three sailing boats which are currently on a journey to "Retrace the Ancient Maritime Silk Road", will arrive in Malta on Thursday.

Zhai Mo, the first Chinese to circumnavigate the globe solo on a sailing boat, will also be accompanied by a Chinese media organization -- the South East TV.

The inclusion of Malta on this sailing route was the result of contacts between Zhai Mo and Malta's outgoing Ambassador to China, Clifford Borg Marks.

The public are invited to the Upper Barakka Gardens in Valletta to view the arrival of the sailing boats into the Grand Harbour accompanied by a Gun Salute on Thursday.

The "Retrace the Ancient Maritime Silk Road" was launched in response to "Belt and Road" initiative the Chinese government proposed in 2013. The initiative brings together countries in Asia, Europe and even Africa via overland and maritime networks, with the purpose of boosting infrastructure building, financial cooperation and cultural exchanges in those regions.