Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli (3rd L, front)

Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli on Monday demanded authorities intensify their efforts to ensure air quality for the Sept. 3 military parade.

Zhang made the remarks during an inspection of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau and the China Meteorological Administration. During the inspection he listened to reports from meteorological agencies in Beijing and neighboring Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province via a video link.

"Getting air pollution under control is directly relevant to the success of the celebration events, the national image and people's health," Zhang said, adding it will also help enhance public confidence.

China will hold celebration events, including a military parade in downtown Beijing, on Sept. 3 to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory in the war of the country's resistance against Japan and the end of World War II.

The Vice Premier asked officials and technical staff to assign great importance to the work, closely monitor changes in air quality, and step up prevention, control and supervision to ensure effectiveness.

Zhang called on them to better carry out work plans and anticipate challenges to achieving the goal, adding that they should rule out even the slightest risk of anything going wrong.