Abu Dhabi

The Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi, EAD, has revealed the latest findings of its Environmental Awareness and Behaviour Survey, which found that the public’s awareness and behaviour towards environmental issues has increased.
According to the survey, 68% of those surveyed reported pro-environment practices, compared to 55% in 2012. Within the construction industry, the overall level of awareness on environmental issues has drastically gone up from 24% in 2012 to 81% in 2013.
88% of respondents in construction expressed concern about waste management issues in their sector, as opposed to only 45% in 2012. On air quality issues, 90% of those surveyed in 2013 reported that they understood that enhancing air quality was a priority, compared to only 7% in 2012.
Nearly 2,000 people, representing a diverse range of nationalities, ages and industries in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, took part in the annual survey, which was conducted in late 2013.
When it comes to the industrial sector, and the Ready Mix sector in particular, EAD’s industrial compliance campaign, Eltezam, helped raise awareness about the importance of limiting the amount of particulate matter released from their facilities, as well as ensuring compliance with regulations pertaining to the release of PM into the atmosphere. The survey revealed that feedback surrounding the campaign was very positive and the follow-up rounds of inspections by EAD resulted in a 46% improvement in compliance. The survey revealed an interesting trend: the willingness of Ready Mix facilities to comply with environmental permit conditions directly correlates with their level of awareness.
Fozeya Ibrahim Al Mahmoud, Director of Environmental Outreach at EAD, said, "The Environmental Awareness and Behaviour Survey findings have for years helped inform EAD’s outreach focus for the coming year. Consistently measuring and analysing awareness levels and the behaviour of Abu Dhabi’s community helps us to better understand what motivates people. EAD continues to raise public awareness around critical environmental issues through the careful planning and execution of creative and innovative awareness campaigns." The survey also revealed that 63% of those working in hotels, hospitals, retail, and the private sector have reported an understanding of different environmental issues, with 62% of these respondents indicating that their organisations were taking action on environmental issues relevant to their industry.
However, water conservation practices within the community did not witness a significant change in 2013. An average of 52% of the respondents in 2013, compared to 46% in 2012, reported carrying out environmentally-friendly practices, such as turning off their taps when not in use and using less water when performing daily actions such as brushing teeth or performing ablutions before prayer.
The issue of waste management emerged as one of the most central issues in the survey, with 61% indicating that they understood that waste management is a priority issue for the government.
Out of all of those surveyed, youths aged 15-20 years demonstrated the highest levels of awareness of waste management as an environmental concern in the emirate. Survey results also showed that the young within that age group actively searched for alternatives and efficient solutions to lessen their impact on the environment. For example, the 2013 results revealed that 73% of youths opted to carpool with friends or family, while in 2012 only 55% had considered that option. Switching off lights and air conditioning when not in use was another popular habit amongst them, with 83% stating they did so in 2013.